Nonviolent Communication, Active Listening and Perspective Taking techniques
This section is written by Karun Krishnamurthy '24 from Vassar College:
When conceptualizing this curriculum/training, I drew from my own experience and observation in middle and high school with social exclusion, mental health issues, and peer support groups. As a core member of a peer support group, I noticed a trend in people who seemed at-risk- who we would often look out for- they seemed to often be social outcasts, and often had a behavioral disorder. Upon researching this further, I learnt that behavioral problems and learning disorders often lead to social exclusion in school, but not social rejection. I felt that there was a gap in understanding, but also empathy between these outsider kids and their classmates. I felt a training or resource in Non Violent Communication, Active listening and perspective taking might be ideal for bridging this gap. This training is not meant to be a clear solution to this vast, grave problem (in fact, I am not sure there is one). However, while the training isn't designed to equip mass groups with these skills, it is intended to be the starting point for a different way of social interaction- as the quote at the head of the document says, the hope is that this training is ‘contagious’, and that kids can learn from one another, and interact in a compassionate way.
Activities in Social and Emotional Learning
An Integrated Approach to Teaching Social-Emotional Learning
This section is written by Rafaella Spielberg '23 from Vassar College:
The purpose of An Integrated Approach to Teaching Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in the Pre-K Classroom (Ages 4-5) is to lead Pre-K schools and early learning centers through a process of SEL implementation. This resource provides a brief set of tools for educators to use for professional learning. It includes a broad overview of six focus areas for SEL improvement and offers links to further resources in each area. This resource comes from the viewpoint that learning should address the whole person and that development occurs not just in the classroom but within a sociocultural, family, and community context.